de Kloka x the cosmos

de Kloka x the cosmos


bespoke natural perfume inspired by your astrological natal chart

This is a 3 step iterative process that involves an astrological natal chart reading and two rounds of perfume testing and feedback in order to create a signature botanical perfume informed by your personal cosmos. The final perfume will be delivered to you as 1 x 30 ml atomizer bottle, 1 x 15ml atomizer bottle and 3 x 2ml atomizer bottles. This blend is exclusive to you and you may reorder your perfume formula in the future.

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In astrology, the natal chart is a snapshot of the cosmos at the exact moment of your birth. It holds the keys to understanding your personality and unlocking your potential. The natal chart also points to the gifts you bring and receive in this lifetime and the challenges you may encounter along the way.

In studying the natal chart, we can illuminate the energetics that are present in our destiny and utilize that awareness to remediate potential stumbling blocks in our path. Chart remediation has been practiced for thousands of years across many astrological traditions.

My practice is a form of aromatic chart remediation that utilizes 100% natural botanical essences and extractions to craft a bespoke perfume tailored to the delineations of your personal natal chart. Your bespoke perfume, inspired by traditional planetary herbal and botanical correspondences will petition planetary energies to support you in your daily life.

This is a 3 step iterative process that involves an astrological natal chart reading and two rounds of perfume testing and feedback in order to create a signature botanical perfume informed by your personal cosmos. The final perfume will be delivered to you as 1 x 30 ml atomizer bottle, 1 x 15ml atomizer bottle and 3 x 2ml atomizer bottles. This blend is exclusive to you and you may reorder your perfume formula in the future.